February is a month of important information. First election of officers, the new key card system, dues, and dropping members for non-payment.
Our first nominations will be held on Tuesday, February 4th at our lodge meeting. We will be taking first nominations for Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Loyal Knight, Lecturing Knight, Trustee, Secretary, Treasurer and Alternate Delegate. At our next meeting on Tuesday, February 18th will accept nominations for any positions that did not get a nomination at the first meeting. Then we will hold elections for any contested positions. See the example chart below for a visual explanation. Note: the names listed are fictional.
Title Nominations on Feb 4th Meeting Nominations on February 16th
Exalted Ruler Phoebe and Rachel No Nominations – just election
Leading Knight Chandler No Nominations – new Leading Knight
Loyal Knight No nomination Nominations open and election
If you would like more information about being an officer, please contact an Officer or Past Exalted Ruler. There is also a wealth of information on the elks.org site.
The New Key Card system requires that you choose a phone app or a key card on your dues statement or make a note of it when you are paying online. We will only be sending a key card to those who request it at the time of paying their dues for the 2025 – 2026. We also need to be sure we have your correct email address. If you are not currently getting emails from the lodge, please update your information on your dues statement or call the office to update your information. We will be sending out information as we get closer to the start date for the new system, which will be close to April 1st.
The Elk year runs from April 1st to March 31st each year. You will be receiving your dues statement for the 2025 – 2026 Elk year soon.
Please remember to pay your dues prior to April 1st. On April 1st we must pay the $41 per capita fees for Grand Lodge and State for every member on our Rolls. This is a very big bill for the lodge to cover and your assistance by paying your dues early will be greatly appreciated. We still have some members who have not paid their dues for this year. Their names are posted outside the office and in the bar. If you have any information about these members, please let us know. We will be forced to drop them from our rolls prior to March 31st.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I am always happy to assist.
Kristi Dupler, PER
Oceano Five Cities 2504 Secretary
Last modified: January 28, 2025